Championing for Diversity and Inclusion as
an innovation strategy!

Alexandra Raymond
Senior Product Manager and Fintech speaker

A little about Alexandra

Alexandra Raymond is a dynamic Senior Product Manager and FinTech Speaker who champions the power of inclusive product design. With a focus on diversity and inclusion, Alexandra helps FinTech product leaders tap into underserved markets, driving revenue growth and innovation.

In her signature talk, "Inclusion as an Innovation Strategy: How To Boost Profitability Through Inclusive Product Design," Alexandra reveals the transformative power of embracing diversity in product development. With her captivating speaking style and deep industry knowledge, she inspires audiences to challenge the status quo.

Alexandra's expertise and unwavering belief that inclusion drives innovation make her an invaluable resource. Attendees will learn best practices for inclusive product design, uncovering untapped markets and revenue streams. Alexandra's presentations are informative, inspiring, and leave audiences motivated to create products that resonate with diverse user segments.

Join Alexandra Raymond on a transformative journey as she guides you toward unlocking new horizons through inclusive product design

Watch her story:


Inclusion as an Innovation Strategy: How To Boost Profitability Through Inclusive Product Design

You’ve achieved product-market fit, but you’re still wondering how to reach more users and access the trillions of dollars of global spend being left on the table.

The solution lies in expanding your reach into diverse and underserved markets, so you can tap into hidden revenue potential and explode your impact. Welcome to the world of "Inclusive Product Design".

By the end of this presentation, you will learn the best practices for inclusive product design and how it can unlock new markets and revenue streams.

Learning Objectives

  • Discover the 3 myths about product creation that suffocates profitability and growth margins.

  • Learn strategies to identify inclusive opportunities for your product

  • Learn the 3 steps to creating a user-centric product that's actually profitable

Revolutionizing Financial Inclusion: Strategies for Economic Empowerment

Technology is opening the doors to exciting opportunities to solve some of society's biggest challenges while contributing to the advancement of emerging markets. As our trust in digital grows, now is the time to chart a strategy for execution. In this session, we'll explore forward-thinking perspectives that drive solutions for financial inclusion, build equity, and inspire future generations to own their power in the Fintech industry. Not only will it inspire but it also provides practical strategies for change-makers to lead the economic transformation of the future.

Key takeaways

  • Discover the barriers that prevent people from being active participants of the financial systems

  • Learn non-traditional finance strategies and tools that embrace a person’s culture

  • Create financial literacy by bridging the cultural information gap

In this empowering presentation, Alexandra Raymond shares her personal story as a first-generation Canadian who, despite the odds stacked against her, built a successful career in Tech, working in the entertainment capital of the world.

This speech charts her journey of tears, frustration, setbacks, hard work, serendipity, and the belief that no matter what people say, no matter how many times you fail, you keep moving forward.

This exciting talk will mobilize audiences to cherish their dreams, believe that they are possible, and to “get up and try again” – even when things get tough.

The art of failing forward

Alexandra Raymond is a Fintech Speaker available for keynote presentations, workshops, media interviews, and spokesperson opportunities. Her wit and ability to simplify and contextualize financial topics excite and delight audiences worldwide. Alexandra is particularly skilled at discussing the issues and nuances of underrepresented populations in this space.

Download Alexandra’s Media Kit, schedule an interview or meeting, or book her on your stage today!

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